Michael Fogleman

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


You Are Here

Well, you aren't there... but I am! Or at least I will be from Thursday, April 14th through Saturday, April 16th for my final round of Google interviews!

This is quite exciting for me. Not only will this be my first time in California (or anywhere near it) but it will also be my first time flying! Such an adventure! I'll be arriving at the San Jose airport a little after 11am local time on Thursday. After that I have no plans until 7pm when there will be a dinner with the Google people. So I'll have to look around town and see how I feel about California during that free chunk of time! Hopefully I'll be able to get a good night's rest after the dinner despite the time shift. On Friday I'll arrive at the Google offices around 9:30. I'll see a presentation by a Google engineer and then I'll have three more 45-minute interviews, all with different people. Hopefully I'll do well again! =) After that we'll have lunch and get a tour of the Google campus. After that, I don't know. Maybe I'll get to run around town again, perhaps with people I meet! I leave on Saturday at 2pm and get back in Raleigh just after midnight with my favorite roommate waiting to pick me up.

Wish me luck!


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